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Twisted Ethics: Exposing the Immoral Games of Cross-Party Voters
I continually find myself appalled by the audacity and gaslighting tactics employed by certain individuals in our political landscape. It seems that honesty and integrity have taken a backseat, replaced by a new breed of individuals who have conveniently forgotten the principles on which our election system stands. Their actions reek of selfishness and a complete disregard for the sanctity of our democratic process. One such incident unfolded before my eyes during a local political party meeting, where a young college student shamelessly revealed his unethical ploy to disrupt the Primary Presidential elections.
The Tale of an Unethical College Student
Picture this: a room filled with enthusiastic members of a political organization, united by a common cause. As discussions about party registration and political affiliations took center stage, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. That is until a young college student, whose moral compass seemed to be on vacation, proudly announced that he had registered with an opposing party. His motive? To vote against a particular candidate in the primary US Presidential elections. “Oh, I registered to vote outside my party to vote against candidate X. The audacity!
The Mother’s Milk and Lack of Ethics
Now, I don’t mean to be harsh, but it appears that some of these young voters still have their mother’s dried milk behind their ears. It’s astonishing to witness their sheer lack of ethics and the lengths they go to justify their deceitful actions. They point their accusatory fingers at the opposing party while shamelessly manipulating the system they claim to protect. Honesty and integrity must be foreign concepts to them, lost in the depths of their misguided sense of righteousness.
Unraveling the Broken Intentions
At the heart of our election system lies a fundamental intention—to provide every eligible citizen with an equal opportunity to exercise their right to vote. However, when individuals resort to deceptive tactics, such as switching party affiliations solely to meddle with primary elections, they undermine the essence of our democratic process. Their actions betray the very principles upon which our nation was built.
Ranked Choice Voting and Other Manipulative Schemes
But wait, there’s more! As if one manipulative tactic wasn’t enough, we find ourselves grappling with the controversial concept of Ranked Choice Voting. Proponents of this system argue that it promotes fairness and encourages voters to prioritize their preferences. However, let’s not be fooled by this shiny façade, or as some wise grandparents will tell you: “Very stupid fish are caught my shiny new lures and the smell rank bait.” Ranked Choice Voting comes with its own set of perils and pitfalls, further eroding the “One Person, One Vote” philosophy. Let’s not be led into being “the fish”, by organizations who have not through through the schemes completely through. Their conclusion involve an appeal to emotion, with a inaccurate basis. Please read the upcoming for details: The Rankness of Ranked Choice Voting, by Dr. Vance Cast.
The Illusion of Choice and Strategic Party Interference
Under the guise of fixing perceived election issues, movements advocating for Ranked Choice Voting and similar schemes are slyly embedding election manipulation and strategic party interference into the very fabric of our democratic process. By playing with ranked preferences, these systems open the floodgates to behind-the-scenes maneuvering, rendering our elections vulnerable to strategic gaming and party interests. The result? The illusion of choice, cleverly masked by algorithms and political ploys.
Let’s be fair and examine three arguments that the college student might use to justify his practice of to disrupt primary presidential elections, along with the unarguable fallacies of each argument:
Argument 1: “I’m exercising my right to vote and expressing my opinion.”
Fallacy: While it is true that voting is a fundamental right, using cross-party registration to manipulate primary elections undermines the democratic process. By infiltrating an opposing party’s primary, the individual is overriding the preferences of genuine party members and imposing their own agenda. It is not a genuine expression of opinion but rather an attempt to subvert the democratic will of the party members.
Argument 2: “I’m balancing the scales and preventing an undesirable candidate from winning.”
Fallacy: The act of cross-party registration for the purpose of influencing primary elections is an unfair and dishonest way to “balance the scales.” It disregards the choices and voices of party members who have invested their time, effort, and commitment to select their preferred candidate. It undermines the democratic principle of allowing party members to determine their own nominees and imposes external interference that skews the process in favor of personal biases.
Argument 3: “The system is flawed anyway, so why not take advantage of it?”
Fallacy: While it is true that no system is perfect, exploiting the flaws of the system for personal gain is not a justifiable course of action. Engaging in cross-party registration perpetuates the flaws and weakens the integrity of the election process. Instead of seeking constructive solutions or advocating for reform, this argument promotes a culture of cynicism and further erodes the trust and credibility of our democratic system.
The fallacies in these arguments lie in the fact that engaging in cross-party registration to disrupt primary elections undermines the democratic process, disregards the preferences of genuine party members, and perpetuates flaws instead of working towards constructive solutions.
The manipulation of primary elections through cross-party registration is an alarming breach of ethical conduct. It subverts the very essence of democracy, as it allows individuals to undermine the will of party members and impose their own agendas. By exposing the dishonesty and disruption caused by this practice, we shed light on its destructive nature and emphasize the importance of upholding the integrity of our election system. It is our collective responsibility to denounce such unethical behavior and strive for a democratic process that is fair, transparent, and true to the principles on which it was founded.
As citizens invested in the integrity of our election system, it is imperative that we address and denounce voter manipulation in all its forms. We must recognize the ethical quagmire created by individuals who, with a lack of ethics and a misguided sense of righteousness, seek to disrupt the primary elections through deceptive party registrations. Furthermore, we should approach proposed solutions like Ranked Choice Voting with caution, understanding the potential dangers they pose to the core principles of our democracy.
Perhaps it is time we demand transparency, honesty, and integrity from our fellow voters and those who shape our electoral processes. Only then can we truly preserve the spirit of “One Person, One Vote” and ensure that our elections remain a beacon of democracy, untainted by the rankness of manipulation.
Remember, dear readers, let us vote with conscience and let our voices be heard without resorting to the shadows of deceit. Our democracy deserves nothing less. It seems to be that the “most tolerant” people are the ones participating in these kinds of dishonest schemes.
Author Notes

This article is written by Dr. C. Vance Cast, and expresses his opinions on the current state of political wrangling, dishonesty, and gaslighting.
Dr. Vance is a native of Tucson, Arizona. He is an research methodologist & analyst, author, educator, radio host, and business man, with many personal and community interest.
As a “pollical outsider”, and after noticing a vast amount of ignorance in the arena, including his own, Vance’s mission is to educate and lead citizens in the constitution and it’s application. And becoming and Ambassador to US Congress, representing his home state of Arizona.